August 29, 2008 - Move Wings and Emp to Paint Booth

 Historic day today.  We moved the wings and empennage to Bruce's paint booth.  And they're not coming back.  After that, they go to the airport. 

First we removed the wings from the stands and set them on cushions on the floor.  Then we moved the wing stand out the basement window. 

We put the wing stand on Bruce's Tundra, then put each wing back in the stand.  The wings went through the basement window easily. 
We strapped the stand and wings to the Tundra securely. 
While Bruce and I were fiddling with the wings, Lynnette wrapped up the flaps, ailerons, VS, HS and elevators in blankets and sleeping bags and loaded them into our mini-van. 
I drove the van and followed Bruce in the Tundra to his shop and paint booth.  The wings looked like they were in cement -- didn't move an inch.  We unloaded everything into the booth, then enjoyed some well-deserved pizza and beer.
Moving the wings and empennage out of the basement is a major milestone.  I'm starting to think this airplane might actually fly someday!