April 8, 2007 - More Wing Mounting Prep

I beveled the edges of the wing spars a little so they wouldn't scratch the inside of the fuse spar assembly.
I installed the control stick mechanism so I can hook the aileron push-rods to it later on when the wings are mated. 
I made the outboard wing stand on the left and used my rolling stool for the inboard wing stand.  I used the dimensions from Dan Checkoway's web site.  The outboard wingstand proved useful but since I had two others help me with the wing, I didn't really use the inboard stand. 
Lynnette and Joe helped me try and mount the right wing.  I we got it in but the wing rear spar was too long and butted up against the fuselage before the holes matched up.  We pulled the wing back off and called it a day. 