November 23, 2007 - Mounting the Comm and Transponder Antennas

 I did some more work on the canopy latch mechanism, putting in that little spring deal.  I tried putting on the yellow ball handle, but I ruined it by using the wrong drill bit size.  I'll have to order another one from Vans.  Sigh. 
The canopy latch mechanism from the side. 
My next endeavor was to drill a hole in the fuselage bottom for the transponder antenna.  So what's the deal with the exhaust pipes.  Well, after much research on the Vans Air Force forums, I decided to put the antenna on the bottom skin, just aft the firewall.  But I didn't want to put it at the mouth of one the exhaust pipe.  And I wasn't sure where the exhaust pipes finished up.  So I got out the pipes, plans and instructions and got smart on the exhaust system. 
I pretty sure the exhaust pipes come out near the fuselage corners, so I drilled the antenna hold inboard on the right side.  You can see the antenna just underneath the left pedal there. 
And there's the business end of the antenna.  It looks like it is protruding from a cleco. 
I decided to put the comm antenna on the left side, just forward of the main center spar.  I wanted to be able to reach it in flight.  The idea is that if the primary radio fails, I could unplug it from the antenna and connect a second antenna wire to a portable radio.  We'll see.  In any event, the comm and transponder antenna's are a good distance apart.  I made that rectangular backing strip for the comm antenna. 
Another shot of the backing plate in its correct position.
Not sure why I took this picture, but might as well show it. 