Sun 'N Fun 2007 - Interesting Planes

Lynnette standing next to a Bleriot replica.  Louis Bleriot was the first to the English Channel, back in 1909.  I'd love to fly something like this around to the local fly-ins. 
This is an original Easy Rider which was arguably one of the first ultralights.  The engine only has one cylinder!
This is a new, modern version of the Easy Rider which I guess they are trying to bring back. 
I took this picture not knowing what it was.  Turns out this particular airplane really has some history!  It is a
Stearman Model 4-D and was built in 1931 for one of the pioneer airlines Western Air Express which later became TWA and Western. 
I was attracted to this plane in the Homebuilt section because it looked like a big Corbin Baby Ace.  Turns out it is an Acey Deucy.  The owner had just bought it, flew it down to Sun 'N Fun from Northern Virginia, and was going to fly it all the way to Reno, Nevada after the show!  Keep in mind this plane only has a 65 hp A-65 Continental.  I ended up having a nice conversation with another admirer of this airplane who also had a Baby Ace. 
This particular plane has an interesting history .  It's a Micco and the company was originally founded by the Seminole Tribe.
This Stearman has a stunning cover job on it; absolutely perfect.  You would never know it's covered by fabric. 
Notice the plane sitting on top of the short RV.  That's Kent Pietsch's 1942 Interstate Cadet.  He actually lands the Cadet on top of the moving RV.  Couldn't see it that well at Sun 'N Fun because they keep everyone so far from the runway.  I was spoiled by seeing it at the Reno Air Races where I was up in the bleachers.  Pietsch also does a great dead-stick routine. 
The Cirrus booth area -- pavilion might be a better word -- is classy, like their planes.. 
I guess everyone has heard that the VLJs -- Very Light Jet -- are coming.  This is the Eclipse 500.  Yeah, I wouldn't mind driving one. 
This is Cessna's new Light Sport airplane.  That security guard has orders to subdue anyone who tries jumping the fence. 
This is the Husky that EAA is raffling off.  Like the tundra tires.
Mike Goulian's Extra.  He's one of my favorite airshow performers.
The plane is in perfect condition. 
This is a two-seater Extra.  Little out of my price range unfortunately.  I think mid 200Ks.  I'm probably getting too old to be pulling 9 Gs anyways.
I can't remember the name of this plane.  It looks like a miniture F8F Bearcat and has the Russian radial engine in it. 
This is a 1933 Monocoupe 110 Special.  Big nose, small tail. 
This is a Pitts Model 12 and is a kitplane.  Who knows, maybe after the RV-7 is done ....
The particulars.