April 2 - Painting on Invasion Stripes

It may not look like much, but it took me over six hours to tape and paper over the white so Bruce could spray on the black stripes.
Ready to spray on the black.
The stripes go like this:  white - black - white - black -white.
The insignia is under there somewhere. 
Perfect weater for painting:  warm (low 70s), sunny with light winds. 
Bruce getting ready to spray the black.
The black is on.  It took about ten minutes to remove the tape and paper it took hours to put over the white. 
Bruce spraying the clear.  We used the Omni base coat - clear coat paint system.
Afterwards, Bruce took the Cub for a spin around the pattern.  Here, he's coming in for a landing.  There was a big goose who didn't like sharing "his" runway.
Bruce greases it on. 
The irate Goose takes flight. 
The goose says "I'm outta here."