October 30, 2005 - Aft Fuselage

Bruce, my brother-in-law, and fellow Citabria driver, primed the tailwheel spring bracket -- that nice looking blue thing you see here.  So at long last, it's time to start riveting the aft fuselage together.  I decided to rivet the tailcone section together before the rest of the aft fuselage.  Here's the tailcone section all clecoed together. 
First I riveted the F-711 bulkhead to the tailcone skin.  As you recall, I had a bear of a time bending the tailcone skin.  I was concerned about having gaps between the bulkhead and the skin but it turned out surprisingly well. 
Then I bolted the tailwheel spring bracket to the F-711 bulkhead and torqued it  with the torque wrench. 
Next I inserted the F-712 bulkhead and riveted it to the tailcone skin.   I was able to use the hand-squeezer on the aft-side.  I had to use the gun on the forward side.  I used a pop-rivet on each side closest to the bracket because there was no room to get a bucking bar in there. 
Given all the trouble I had with this component, I was pleased with how it came out. 
With the tailcone section completed, I clecoed the aft fuselage together for the last time. 
Then I added the F-710 bulkhead and tailcone section. 
Looking good. 
Almost looks like I knew what I was doing.  The main aft fuse body is ready for riveting!