October 23, 2005 - Soaring

There were strong winds forecasted for today but they never materialized so Bruce and I went soaring.  That's my Schleicher Ka-8 in front of Bruce's Scheibe SF-27. 
Visibility was good today.  I left tow at 2,500 feet and was able to climb to 4,500 feet.  There was lots of lift the first 30 minutes of the flight but then all the lift dried up so I was only able to stay up for a little over an hour.  Still, it was enough to get my money's worth for the tow.  I had a good time thermaling with Bill Burner in his newly restored Birdfalke. 
I'm just north of the town of Brunswick looking south down the Potomac river. 
A better look at Brunswick. 
Now I'm looking north up the Potomac and Harper's Ferry. 
It's great farm country around here.  Starting to fill in with houses, though. 
I flew over to the ridge hoping to get some ridge lift but nothing doing.  Starting to see a little color in the trees. 
Jan's engine pre-heater.  I need one of these for the Citabria and future RV.
Bruce's SF-27 looked really pretty in the late afternoon sunlight. 
The man and his flying machine. 