June 12, 2009 -  Cub and RV Flight


The weather was good Friday afternoon so I took Naveen, a friend from work, for a Cub ride.  Naveen had a Digital Rebel and took all of the following images. 

I think I spend more time fueling planes than flying them...
Mighty wings.
Look at the compass closely -- you can see Naveen taking the shot with the wings and sky in the background.
Naveen enjoying the flight. 
I'm enjoying it too. 
Over some old gun emplacements at Fort Howard,  which is at the entrance to the Patapsco River which leads to Baltimore. 
Unusual pier. 
We flew around then landed at Ridgely Airport.  The Cub only has a 12 gallon tank so I topped it off.  Ridgely has the cheapest AvGas around.
Always fueling ...
It was fairly late in the evening and we started seeing deer all over the place.  There must have been 15+ in this field. 
Back at Essex, I pulled out the RV for a short flight.  I'm still in my test period so Naveen had to watch. 
The RV is like a rocketship compared to the Cub.  When you push the throttle to the wall, you better be ready to go!