April 29, 2007 - Wing Root Fairings

Yesterday I had "gotten smart" on wing root fairings so today I did mine.  The fairings have pre-drilled holes but it's not easy getting them clecoed on.  Once they are, the fairings are TIGHT.  But, like everything else, once you know the tricks, it's not so bad.  Yesterday, Mike and I did them.  Today, I really didn't think we'd be able to do it.  What do you mean, we?  You know, me and Mr. Duct Tape. 

I clecoed the bottom, aft most fairing hole to the wing bottom.  Then I duct taped the top.  Then I would un-duct tape, flatten and pull the fairing, then re-duct tape.  I did this a few times to I got the holes on the top close enough so I could just barely get a cleco in.  I pretty much destroyed the first cleco, but after the first, the second was better, and the third was even better so eventually they all were in. 

Voila!  The left fairing is clecoed on. 
The right side.
After that, it was a simple matter to drill all the holes to #30. I'll drill them to #19 later.  Be careful around the main spar.  Some of the holes there are directly over a wing spar nutplate and you don't want to drill into a #8 screw.  Don't ask me how I know. 
There is supposed to be a gap of 3/16-1/4 between the inboard fairing edge and the fuselage side so I trimmed the inner edge with the schears. 