April 12-14, 2010 - Sun 'N Fun 2010

Although Sun 'N Fun is probably 1/5 the size of AirVenture, there are some things that I think they do better than AirVenture.  One thing is that SNF registration gets you a "I Flew to Sun 'N Fun" ballcap, SNF10 sticker, program, map and SNF information booklet.   Also, SNF has a very nicely done "official" Sun 'N Fun 2010 T-shirt with attractive graphic and the "Spring Break For Pilots" slogan. 


Here I am at with my RV in the homebuilt camping section. 

I was struck by how many airplanes had for sale signs on them.  It's a buyers market these days for sure.
It was just as well that I didn't polish my plane before SNF.  It was fairly windy both days and all planes just got filthy.  You can see the dirt on this planes wing. 
The Light Sport factory-built planes area was booming.  I couldn't believe how many different types there are. 
It's been three years since I've been to Sun 'N Fun.  It seemed to me that fly-in attendance was much lighter than it was three years ago.  This is the homebuilt parking area and as you can see, there is a lot of open space.  Perhaps people are waiting until later in the week when the Thunderbirds fly to fly-in
The General Aviation parking is waaaayyy down there. 

The four big vendor exhibit halls were packed as always. 

This booth I hadn't seen before featured paintings by David Uhl.  His specialty is paintings featuring an airplane with a voluptuous girl close by -- now that's a winning combination!  I predict he will do well.  Hat tip to Gary who took this photo. 

I spent Wednesday afternoon in the aircraft builders workshop. 
In the wood tent, I learned how to repair a wing and build wing ribs
I watched them beat sheet aluminum into various shapes.
I attended the TIG welding workshop -- again.  I figure if I hear the presentation enough times, it might finally sink in. 