The British Museum 

I had been to theBritish Museum before but Lynnette wanted to go.  I think I enjoyed it even more the second time.  We spent over three hours and didn't see everything. 

It was raining pretty good outside.  Official Site

This artwork at the entrace was new.  I call it "Glider Man".
 The Enlightenment Gallery.  I had not seen this gallery before.  Exceeding well done, it captures the age of enlightenment in Great Britain.  It is divided into seven sections that explore the seven major new disciplines of the age: Religion and ritual, Trade and discovery, the birth of archaeology, Art history, Classification, the decipherment of ancient scripts and Natural history. Gigantic bookshelves run along each side of the long room. 
One of the Parthenon Sculptures.  There was a video presentation that showed what this particular sculpture would have looked like in it's original splendor.  The Parthenon must really have been something when it was new -- before the barbarians got to it. 
A man who needs no introduction:  Alexander the Great.

A Pharoah -- stone is really the only thing that lasts, when you think about it. 
