April 16, 2006 - Rudder Cables

The rudder cables were coiled up at the aft end of the fuselage and there was no way to get to them.  So I made this inspection port hole in the bottom of the fuselage.  First I poly-taced a plastic ring to the fuse bottom, then poly-brushed the doily circle over the top.  Then I cut out the hole.   
One of the previous builders had left good directions where the holes in the side of the fuselage needed to go.  I reviewed them carefully and they seemed correct so I went for it and cut the holes with an exacto knife.  Sticking my arm through the inspection port on the bottom of the fuselage, I was able to thread the rudder cables through the holes. 
The rudder cables didn't reach the rudder horns!  What's up with that?
The Kitfox was pretty dusty and I was going to show it off to my EAA Chapter, so I rolled it outside and washed it.  It's not a bad looking plane, actually. 