April 5, 2008 - Mount Prop

OK, after a lot of filing, the spinner bulkhead finally matches the doubler ring. 
I pulled the prop out of the box for the first time. 
I have to remove the four nuts that the spinner bulkhead sits on. 
I trial-fit the spinner bulkhead.  I had to do a little more filing so that the bulkhead cleared the prop hub sufficiently.
A quick prime job ...
and then it's time to do a little riveting. 
Some of the easiest riveting you're ever gonna do on the entire project. 
I bolted the spinner bulkhead to the prop hub.  Then Lynnette came out and we bolted the prop to the engine.  Definitely a two person job.  We were on opposite sides, each with a 3/4" wrench, each tightening three bolts. 
View from the front.
From the side.
I clecoed on the front top side in preparation for fitting the top canopy.  I drew a reference line 2" from the leading edge. 
Really starting to look like an airplane these days. 